A Successful Music Tour
What makes a music tour successful? As an aspiring musician you might have often dreamt about going on your first tour. Whether you’re a solo artist or part of a band, going on tour is a huge milestone in your musical career. One that has the potential to rapidly expand your audience and propel you into new heights.
But what makes a successful tour? Most people would assume it is all about selling out as many of your gigs as possible. But this is only part of the equation. And, in our opinion, not even the most important part of said equation. A successful tour is actually determined by all the foundational work you put into planning. The performances themselves are important. But not as important as everything we are going to talk about today.
Location Is Key
One of the most vital elements of planning a tour is deciding on which locations you are going to visit. In the musical scene location is vitally important. Because not every city or town is going to be as receptive to every style of music. This is especially important if your music is more of a fringe genre like grunge or alternative rock.
To that end you need to heavily research the musical scenes of each location you are considering visiting. If possible you should consider visiting these locations and checking out the different music venues. Another great way to collect data is by looking at the relevant gig subreddits for that location.
You also need to consider travel logistics between locations. How easy is it to get from one tour location to the next? Try to plan your route in such a way that you aren’t doubling back on yourself. Factor in fuel and transportation costs and compare that against estimated earnings from each location. If it is going to cost you more to get somewhere than you’ll earn, it might be worth skipping that location.
There are some situations where it is advisable to make a loss just for the chance to play in a specific location. Capital cities like London are a prime example. You might have to pay out of pocket to perform there. But the exposure you’ll gain is well worth it.
Hype Up Your Tour
The modern music industry is primarily a game of marketing. The greatest musician on the planet could spend their life in obscurity without the correct marketing. And this is especially true for ensuring the success of your tour. You need to market it heavily. And social media is the best avenue for doing this.
The moment you have confirmed which locations you will be playing at you need to start posting about it on social media. Posts, stories, livestreams. Anything and everything you can do to spread the word. At this time it might be advantageous to buy Instagram followers or TikTok likes to increase your exposure. You want to reach people in the locations you are visiting. And boosting your follower count is a great way to do this.
You should also try and get the venues you will be performing at to share your stories and posts. This will help you secure ticket sales while also bringing in new fans. During this time we highly recommend engaging with your followers to a higher degree. Maybe run a livestream Q and A session. Or share some previews of new music you are planning to debut on the tour.
Maintain Your Health
Going on tour is a physically and mentally demanding experience. The long hours spent travelling. The endless nights of performing. The constant networking and socializing before and after gigs. It will start to drain you. Which is why it is critically important that you look after yourself.
Many musicians see their first tour as a sort of holiday. A chance to let loose and have some fun. And it is to a degree. You should enjoy the experience. But if you are too reckless you risk jeopardizing your performances and missing out on new fans and any potential future gigs.
The main bit of advice we offer is to cut down on drinking. Nothing is going to plummet your energy levels quicker than consistently drinking while on tour. You should also look at scheduling in regular workout sessions. Just to keep your mind and body sharp. This should be paired with an adequate diet too.
You should also seize any rest days you get. It might be tempting to spend your days off exploring music venues and networking. But you should try to recuperate as much as possible too. This will help you keep your performances sharp and give you the energy you need to maintain momentum during the last legs of your tour.